General Resources for Senior Students
- Use the Information Skills Process (ISP) on the Research page to guide you.
- Browse the non-fiction shelves: : 330s – economics; 340s – law; 650s – management, business.
- Series: Issues in Society – search by series, browse titles or search by subject; covers numerous topics.
- For audio visual resources, search ClickView by subject heading or title. ClickView can be accessed when you are at home. Restrictions apply based on age/rating.
Oliver Catalogue
- Search the CTHS Library Oliver catalogue using subject headings such as business, capitalism, economics, globalization, income, poverty, wealth; add subheadings to your major subject (e.g. case studies, legal issues, economic aspects/conditions, statistics) to narrow your search.
- Expand your search to Trove by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Trove.
- Expand your search to Hornsby Library resources by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Hornsby Shire Library. If you are a member of Hornsby Library you can borrow their items.
- Expand your search to Macquarie University library resources by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Macquarie University Library. You can access their hard copy resources onsite but will be unable to borrow.
- Search the Australian Financial Review, the Age and the Sydney Morning Herald by clicking on the link on the left of the page. These can only be accessed on school grounds. You can download the paper or articles. Newspapers are essential for current developments in all spheres of the economy. Search/browse using subject headings.
- Search World Book Online Advanced or Timelines. This is a reliable starting point for research if you don’t know much about the topic.
- State Library of NSW databases require you to sign up for free membership. Choose a database by name. General economics databases with which to start your research are:
- ABI/Inform (Proquest) – Indexes international business and management journals.
- Economics Intelligence Unit (EIU) reports and publications – Country, market and regional business reports.
- Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
- OECD iLibrary – Publications and datasets released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Factiva – News and financial information database from Australian and international sources.
- Hornsby Library databases require you to sign up for free membership.
Internet Resources
- A number of relevant websites are listed on the CTHS Library Oliver catalogue.
- The Conversation/Business + Economy – Independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. Search by subject heading/topic and subheadings to narrow your search.
- ABS: Key Economic Indicators, Summary
- Austrade – Australian Trade and Investment Commission.
- APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.
- DFAT – Australian Government/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
- RBA: Statement on Monetary Policy – May 2019
- 2019 Index of Economic Freedom
- Focus Economics: Australia Economic Outlook
- UN: Global issues overview
- The World Bank – The Global Economy: Heightened Tensions, Subdued Growth
- CIDOB – The World in 2019: Ten Issues that will Shape the Global Agenda
- Company & Industry Information: Statistics and research
Bibliographies and Citations
- Ask your teacher for requirements; keep records up to date – retrospectively is difficult.
- Bibliography Generator – choose the style you need.