Modern History
General Resources for Senior Students
- Use the Information Skills Process (ISP) on the Research page to guide you.
- Browse the non-fiction shelves: 323 – Civil Rights; 355 – Military Science/Arms/Weapons; 907 – Historiography; 909.82 World History-20th century; 940.3/940.4 – World War I; 940.53/940.54 – World War II; 943.086 – Germany/Third Reich; 947 Russia; 951 – China; 952 – Japan; 954 – India; 956 – Middle East; 959 – South-East Asia/Indochina; 960 – Africa; 970 – North America; 994 – Australia. Check the catalogue for other subject headings such as specific countries, technology.
- Search the National Geographic Archive using login details which are available from library staff. Search all issues of National Geographic or browse subject based collections.
- For audio visual resources, search ClickView by subject heading or title. ClickView can be accessed when you are at home. Restrictions apply based on age/rating.
Oliver Catalogue
- Search the CTHS Library Oliver catalogue using subject headings.
- CTHS Library also holds specialist History magazines including History Today and BBC History. The contents pages are searchable using Oliver.
- Expand your search to Trove by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Trove. This is a particularly useful site for Australian history source material.
- Expand your search to Hornsby Library resources by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Hornsby Shire Library. If you are a member of Hornsby Library you can borrow their items.
- Expand your search to Macquarie University library resources by running a search in Oliver, click other providers and select Macquarie University Library. You can access their hard copy resources onsite but will be unable to borrow.
- Search World Book Online Advanced or Timelines. This is a reliable starting point for research if you don’t know much about the topic.
- State Library of NSW databases require you to sign up for free membership. Choose a database by name. General Modern History databases with which to start your research are:
- Cambridge Companions Online – Subject or theme based collections of content within a richly functional, fully cross-searchable online environment.
- Cambridge Histories Online – An historical reference compendium allows instant access to the renowned texts of the Cambridge Histories series.
- Jstor – Subject based collections of content. Search across journals, books and pamphlets.
- Artemis Primary Sources – search across archives of 17th, 18th and 19th century monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, maps and early photographs.
- Hornsby Library databases require you to sign up for free membership.
Internet Resources
- A number of relevant websites are listed on the CTHS Library Oliver catalogue.
- Internet Modern History Sourcebook – Original texts and supporting material organised by area of study.
- BBC History – Overview of a variety of historical topics and people.
Bibliographies and Citations
- Ask your teacher for requirements; keep records up to date – retrospectively is difficult.
- Bibliography Generator – choose the style you need.